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Welcome Parents

We understand that talking to your children about drugs and alcohol can be one of the most difficult and sensitive topics for a parent. The resources below are meant to guide you through these important discussions and to provide you with useful facts and talking points. The research shows that kids do listen to their parents (even if it seems like they don't.) Over 80 percent of young people ages 10–18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink or not. Even though it can be difficult to start these conversations with your kids, just talking can help to lower their chances of using drugs and alcohol by more than 50%. You have the power to make a difference. We are glad you found us and hope you find these resources useful. Together, we are Healthy KP.



80% of high school students report that their parents’ concerns, opinions, or expectations

Talking Tips and Help for Parents

We have identified the resources below as helpful, relatable and up-to-date. Click on the underlined title to access the resource. You can also visit our GET FACTS page for more information and our GET HELP page for local and free resources related to mental health and substance use.  


5 Conversation Goals


​We like this brochure from SAMHSA because it provides a quick overview of conversation goals when talking to your teen about alcohol and other drugs. It's a good place to start.


Edibles, Vapes & Spiked Seltzers and More: Tips for Talking to Your Teens about Drugs & Alcohol in Today’s World


​These informative slides are from Dr. Safdar Medina's presentation to the the KP Community. They provide an overview of different drugs,  products, and usable strategies for talking to teens.

ADAPT The Role of Parenting in Substance Use Prevention Webinar


​This webinar not only provides detailed, proven strategies for parents related to prevention, it also focuses on how to connect and communicate more effectively with teenagers. We've tried Dr. LaChausse’s tips and strategies- they work!​


Talk. They hear you.


​This easy-to-read brochure from SAMHSA reminds parents that frequent small conversations make a big impression and can impact their child's decisions about alcohol and other drugs.


Talking to your middle school-aged child about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs: a 10 step guide


​We like this Massachusetts guide because the guidance is appropriate to the grade level and it offers real examples of responses, talking points and household rules. It also offers facts about each drug category.


The New Look of Nicotine Addiction: Vaping


This brochure offers a thorough overview of how vapes are used, the risks and myths of vaping and nicotine addiction.​

Preventing Teenage Drinking... Priceless


We like this Massachusetts flyer because it provides an overview of the Social Host Law. A Social Host is considered anyone- adult or minor- who is in control of the premises and who furnishes alcohol or allows it to be consumed on those premises.

Choose to Keep Your Freedom


We like this resource because it provides an overview of several important topics including alcohol and drug use, cell phone and internet safety and harassment, and how choices today can have life-long consequences. 

Marijuana Fact Sheets


This fact sheet series from Johnny's Ambassadors provides information related to: today's THC potency, teen brain development, addiction and dependence, myths and risks.  The fact sheets are easy to read, visually appealing and researched.

Growing up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide to Substance Use Prevention


​This guide offers a wealth of information including a detailed overview of many different substances as well as strategies for prevention and treatment. 

Impaired Driving: Talk with your Kids


This fact sheet shares the concerning statistics related to impaired driving. More importantly, it offers talking points about prevention and practical suggestions for safe exit plans for your child.

Mental Health Facts: Children and Teens


​This basic guide from NIH provides facts and warning signs related to mental health illnesses and disorders.


​​​​While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Although this website may include links to other Internet websites, Healthy KP is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. Healthy KP provides this website and resource list as a service to the public. Healthy KP is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site.


This  website is supported by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award funded by ONDCP. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ONDCP, CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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Karen Becker, Coalition Coordinator

508-520-7991 x2329

18 King St Norfolk, MA

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